Today I turned 40. I am now hitting that milestone that so many people abhor. But I don't feel old at all. I feel more wise and full of life than ever. Now is the time when our decisions and choices in life start to catch up with us. Life is all cause and effect. Or as that famous Yogi in the Bible put it: ‘Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also … [Read more...]
Meditations on good physical, mental and spiritual health, so we can be mindful and present everyday and get the most out of life. In other words, “well being!”
Be Kind to the Temple, Detox and Kick Cancer
Pills, specialists, HMOs, diets, antibiotics, immunizations, and surgery: These are the ways that Americans treat their ills. Let’s not forget however that fundamentally we are animals, and evolution has not brought us all this way because our bodies need assistance just to survive. Not often enough do we talk about how we can be kind to the temple and use … [Read more...]
Vegetarianism in India: The Subtle Energy Bodies
Most people talk about the health benefits of eating vegetarian—not getting the grown hormones, antibiotics, pesticide bio-accumulation and saturated fat. Meniscus started talking to actress, writer and yogi Shakti Assouline about vegetarianism in India and the more subtle affects of eating meat. Meniscus: Shakti, can you tell us more about the subtle … [Read more...]
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Recipe (vegan, gluten free)
It was about 9:00 pm on a Saturday night. I wanted to bake something a little different, a little warm and comforting. I remembered of all the cakes, pies and cupcakes my Mother used to whip up so effortlessly (from scratch of course) I settled on making banana bread—after all warm banana bread is about as comforting as you could get. As usual, I prefer … [Read more...]
Rainbow Salad Plate
Judi Longo brings us through four macrobiotic recipes that come together as a Rainbow Salad Plate that you can then eat all week long. - by Judi Longo … [Read more...]
Capitalism + Social Entrepreneurship = Prosumerism
On a drippy Tuesday on 53rd street in Manhattan under the shadow of giant corporate bank buildings wrapped in omnious low-lying clouds, a group of forward thinkers gathered at Quest Bookstore. Convergence brought the group together to educate and inspire on the topic of Prosumerism, a new type of social capitalism emerging in this age of conscious … [Read more...]
Norma Kamali vs Objectification
What is it about Norma Kamali? How is she still at the top of her game after all these years of success? How is she this timeless wonder still producing such modern, fashion-forward designs while maintaining her ageless physicality? I recently attended an evening event lead by the one and only Norma Kamali in her ultra clean, bright, white lacquered … [Read more...]
Fasting for Detoxification and Cleansing
The Cleansing Fast One of the best ways to allow your body to cleanse is by fasting. By abstaining from food for significant periods of time, your body has a chance to turn its immune attention towards breaking down toxins in the system that, if left unattended to, could manifest into any number of diseases, even cancer. Fasting has been around for … [Read more...]
Cultivate a healthy relationship with your phone
After a week long summer vacation off-the-grid I have a fresh new perspective on my cell phone and social media--and I have decided to cultivate a healthy relationship with my phone. Don't get me wrong, I like Facebook and Instagram and Twitter.. Social media has shown its power to the world when Arab Spring erupted and The People began overthrowing … [Read more...]
Everyday detox tongue scraping
One of my recent discoveries on how to detox the body is tongue scraping. This is an ancient practice that been around for hundreds of years and is one of the simplest, most inexpensive, effective forms of home oral hygiene methods. Once you try it you will never go back. Every morning when we wake up, there is a large buildup of toxins on the tongue, … [Read more...]