by Tosha Silver
If you feel drawn, let it enter your Being, releasing any old ideas of constriction or limitation and returning Your true essence as expansive, radiant Light.
“Divine Beloved, Change Me into someone
who can give with complete ease and abundance,
knowing You are the unlimited Source of All.
Let me be an easy open conduit for Your prosperity.
Let me trust that all of my own needs are
always met in amazing ways
and it is safe to give freely as my heart guides me.
And equally, please Change Me into someone
who can feel wildly open to receiving.
Let me know my own value, beauty and
worthiness without question.
Let me allow others the supreme pleasure of giving to me.
Let me feel worthy to receive in every possible way.
And let me extend kindness to all who need,
feeling compassion and understanding
in even the hardest situations.
Change me into One who can fully love, forgive
and accept myself… so I may carry your Light
without restriction.
Let everything that needs to go, go.
Let everything that needs to come, come.
I am utterly Your own.
You are Me.
I am You.
We are One.
All is well.
- by Tosha Silver
Tosha Silver is the author of “Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead” and believes that spirituality is utterly authentic to each individual soul, rather than trite canned, or predictable.
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