Paramahansa Jagadish, spiritual wellness through Divine Grace

Paramahansa Jagadish

Jagadish Pramahansa, bringing spiritual wellness by opening hearts to experience Divine GraceWhen speaking of powerful healers of our age, one can not overlook Paramahansa Jagadish, American-raised, Eastern-trained yogi. Jagadish has dedicated his life to spreading spiritual wellness by awakening others’ hearts to experience Divine Grace, the source of all transformation, healing and release from undesired patterns. His level of self-realization, combined with a lifetime of study and service, distinguishes him from other healers and truly makes him a “healer’s healer.”

In fact I have heard from other powerful healers that he is one of the most powerful healers on the planet. From my experience, as a lay person, I have had my own powerful experiences with Jagadish.

In one session I attended, I closed my eyes and through my eyelids I perceived a swirling vortex of energy, like a tube sitting where Jagadish sat. From above I intuited a flow of energy coming in from the cosmos above, and where this cylinder hit the earth, I felt a deep grounding. In the center of the cylinder something magical was happening and that is what you have to experience yourself.

Jagadish’s body of work is grounded in clearing karmic energy that has accumulated in his clients’ psycho-physical field (body, mind, and soul).

He believes that “Karma Clearing” is the first step in creating harmony and untold attunement for oneself, one’s progeny and for our future generations. Medical doctors and Holistic health-care professionals seek him out for his ability to heighten their patients’ energy and remove deep-seated blocks, allowing extraordinary healing to occur.

Today, he is active in relieving others of their Karmic burdens – purifying the body, mind, soul complex – in readiness to hold the Realization of Self, leading to the blessed attainment of direct, intimate loving communion with God.

If you are in the New York City area, come see Jagadish in person at one of these dates.

Sri GaneshaThur. March 20, 2014 – Spring Equinox Rejuvenation and Rebirth
Sun. March 23, 2014 – Divine Father Divine Mother Intensive
Tue. March 25, 2014 – Sri Ganesha Mini Intensive
Thur. March 27, 2014 – Dousing Training: A Truth Finding System
Fri.-Sat. March 28-30, 2014 – Liberation in Divine Love Training, Level One

See Sacred Gathering and Events for more details and to register for the events.

Otherwise check out his website here for more information on when he is near your town:

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